The Backpod

The Backpod: Lie back and treat yourself

backpod side

The Backpod for upper back and neck pain - premium home treatment for the iHunch and other conditions.


The Backpod and its home program were developed in New Zealand specifically to counter the huge upsurge of pain and headache in people hunching over computers and smartphones.  So the Backpod is ideal for all problems which involve hunching.

It also specifically stretches tight rib cage joints, so helps with breathlessness and other conditions involving these, including costochondritis, chronic asthma and rib pain in pregnancy.

See our pages on the iHUNCH, PERFECT POSTURE and OTHER CONDITIONS for much more detail.

Why the need for the Backpod?

Nothing else gives such an effective stretch to tightened, hunched spines, or to the tight rib joints which are part of that problem and others.  This isn’t hype but science.


hamburger backpod
  • To free up a tight, hunched spine so that it stays free, you have to stretch the very tough collagen of the ligaments and capsules surrounding the frozen joints.  Chiropractic or any other manipulation can unlock the jammed hinges temporarily, but this doesn’t last, because the tightened collagen around them simply freezes them up again.  Lying back on the Backpod uses your upper body weight to give the long, strong, specific stretch needed so they can stay free.  This saves you money from never-ending manipulations, and you still have the Backpod if you ever get tight again.
spine on backpod
  • The Backpod’s size, shape and construction come from 35 years of clinical expertise in what actually works on patients to give the best home stretch possible.  Its one size suits everyone, as lighter people needing a milder stretch bring less body weight to bear on the Backpod.  The tighter transverse curve of the Backpod means that turning it sideways across the spine gives a stronger stretch, if this is needed.
backpod whole
  • The Backpod's transparent blue core is made from polycarbonate - the same immensely strong material used in jet windshields; 6mm (0.25 inch) thickness will stop a bullet.  (We’ve driven a Jeep Cherokee over a Backpod to test it for the USA and a BMW to test it for Europe - it was fine.)  This core strength is essential to effectively stretch free frozen spinal and rib joints - the tightened collagen surrounding them is stronger by weight than steel wire.  The Backpod’s apple green hypoallergenic synthetic rubber outer cushions the stretch, and starting off with pillows under your head makes it more comfortable.   
backpod base
  • The Backpod is particularly effective at stretching tight rib joints.  Other spinal fulcrums like foam rollers and Swiss balls aren’t.  The long cylindrical shape of a roller means you can’t get much specific leverage onto a tight rib joint.  All balls and rollers are unstable, so your muscles can’t relax on them, which opposes the stretch.  Anything too squashy like a rolled towel or tennis ball can’t give enough leverage.  Tight rib joints are part of any tight, hunched spine problem, and also of several other specific problems including costochondritis, scoliosis and asthma - see our OTHER CONDITIONS page.
  • The Backpod can also be used in sitting, especially by commuting drivers - brace against the steering wheel for extra stretch.  It is small enough to fit into a handbag or luggage - so it's easy to take away with you.
  • The Backpod’s home program of stretching and strengthening exercises, massage and posture covers all the components needed to pull a hunched spine back towards painfree perfect posture - see our iHUNCH and PERFECT POSTURE pages.  Single treatment approaches like just muscle strengthening on its own or just manipulation on its own don’t, and it’s the collection that works.
  • The bottom line:  The Backpod is a real treatment tool to free up and keep free a tight upper back and rib cage.  It is not a magic gimmick - there are no magnetic waves or gamma radiation, even though it's green.  We think it's the best spinal stretching fulcrum in the world, and the only one that will do a really effective stretch on the ribs.

Reviews of the Backpod

'COSTOCHONDRITIS/The Backpod' by Samantha Wayne, who had costochondritis for a year, was pain free in three weeks on the Backpod, and is now back in the gym.
'7 Exercises That Instantly Unhunch Your Shoulders + BONUS' by Bob Shrupp and Brad Heineck - "The two most famous Physical Therapists on the Internet"

More information - download or view

Backpod at a glance - quick information sheet
Full Backpod user guide (2020) - includes technical information for doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, etc.